Thursday, November 18, 2010

Could You Do Me A Favor?

Could you do me a favor?

Have you ever asked anyone that question? Has anyone ever asked a favor of you? Chances are the answer to both of those questions would be a resounding “yes”.

I have this one relationship in my life whose history is marked by favors. Over the years we have watched each others kids, ran each others errands and spent more then one phone call listening to each others struggles. What makes this single relationship different from most others is that we have come to a place where there is less inquiring and more aspiring. Our relationship is increasingly characterized as one that looks for premeditated opportunities to help each other out. We look to do favors for each other on purpose before the other even thinks to ask. As I write this I confess that she is much better at it then me. I am still an apprentice.

In my study of Ezra I learned something really interesting about this man’s relationship with God. Six times I saw “the gracious hand of God was on him” within the pages of this book. In Biblical terminology, graciousness of God would be interchangeable with the favor of God. I couldn’t help but wonder what was it about this man that allowed him to walk in the kind of favor that I saw described in this book. I need go no further then Ezra 7:9c-10.

the gracious hand of his God was on him. For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” (emphasis mine)

Ezra devoted or gave his whole heart and soul, to not only studying God’s law but also to doing and teaching it. I don’t think what drove Ezra to this kind of Bible study and radical level of obedience was so much a sense of duty but an overflowing love for God. I can’t help but wonder if there is a direct correlation between the favor that I walk in with God and my whole hearted devotion to these same things.

I believe Ezra enjoyed a radical relationship with God (he is referred as the second Moses in Jewish synagogues) because of his wholehearted desire to know and love God through His word. Because of that priority God was able to pour out favor upon favor in his life. Maybe the same things that afforded Ezra that kind of favor are identical for me as well. While I know that in Christ I am a favored child of God, is there more that I can have in Him? As I dive head first into the scriptures and learn about who my God is and not merely reading the word but doing it, might I bask in that same kind of favor Ezra had too? Could it be about cultivating a deep and satisfying relationship with God through His Word that I am after? Is that what I need to live in the gracious hand of favor of God?

Maybe it is kind of like the relationship I have with my friend. Over the years we have spent a considerable amount of time getting to know and love each other. I would like to say it was all blossoms and sunshine but a tried and true friendship rarely is. But I think because we have opted to understand and love through those difficult times we can now enjoy the security where we don’t need to ask each other for a favor, we already have it. Not all of my friendships are characterized in this manner. This one is truly special and greatly cherished at least on my end. I think that is what God desires to have with each one of us as well; a relationship of pure devotion. As I write this my heart swells with gratitude for my God and this friend He has given me. I think I feel a premeditated favor coming on.

The Lord confides in those who fear him, he makes his covenant known to them.”
Psalm 25:14


  1. Praise the Lord today for everything. When I read "Could You Do Me A Favor" posted by Arlene on 11/18/10, I think about the many of times God has encouraged me. Now to someone who does not even know God I think how sad, because I would love them to know the kind of God I know, the kind of God that before I even get up out of bed in the morning He is there to say Good morning to me. He encourages me just by me knowing He needs me, as I know I need Him more. Thank you God for encouraging me. Thank you God for my Salvation so rich and free. Thank you God for Arlene, and what you give her to encourage me and others. I hope I have encouraged her just by leting her know she is loved by the King and she is loved by a Sister in Christ, and I am Thankful for her. All of you who read this Happy Thanksgiving, be blessed. From your Sister in Christ Debbie D.

  2. Debbie: You are such a treasure to us in Women's Bible Study and I am very thankful for you and the encouragement you bring to us. Happy and a very blessed Thanksgiving!
