Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Do You Choose To Pray?

Hello everyone.  This past week Denise H. shared a devotion with us during Tuesday Morning Bible Study.  For those who missed it, she has put it here  in written form.  Enjoy and may God bless your weekend.

Why Do You Choose To Pray?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? Even better than that, try and answer it. Maybe your response would be (1) it is my way to communicate with God, (2) to help me out of trouble, (3) help during sickness, (4) for salvation for a loved one, (5) to thank God for all of His blessings, or (6) to score “brownie points” with God. Hmm not sure number six is a valid reason.

The way I see prayer is that it is a wonderful, precious gift from God. Prayer is communion with God. Prayer is essential for our life; it is spiritual bread and water. Prayer lightens our burdens. Prayer reminds us that we have Jesus Christ making intercession for us at the right hand of God. Prayer is the means of God to strengthen our faith in the promises of God’s Word.

Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thee knowest not,” Jeremiah 33:3.

These are the words that God gave to Jeremiah, the prophet, as he was held captive in Jerusalem. Outside the prison walls, the sounds of the conquering armies of Babylon engulfed the air. Imagine being imprisoned by your own people, because you made the choice to be obedient to God! What GREAT and MIGHTY things could God be promising? What could God be wanting to show Jeremiah? What mighty thing could He be wanting to show to you?

Does prayer mean that God will answer our prayers by giving us our requests? He answers for sure, but He may not give us what we think we need. God’s answers are often what we don’t expect. God wants us to rest in His wisdom directing our paths.

What does the Bible say about prayer? Matthew 26:41 tells us that prayer is imperative. James 4:2 states that prayer is the only way to request things from God. Prayer can help deliver you out of trouble as we read in Acts 12:1-17. We should pray without ceasing as we are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. In Psalm 33:22 we can read how prayer brings hope. Would you like to find out how prayer unlocks the treasure chest of God’s wisdom in James 1:5? Did you know in 1 Samuel 12:23 that not praying is a sin?

So, in closing, why do you choose to pray?


  1. God's word is so powerful and amazing! He used our sister Denise to bring a spirit filled message on prayer. There is one specific request that I have before The Lord. The first scripture on Jeremiah 33:3 moved me in such a way and gave me assurance that He would show HImself in a mighty way! Later that day, I received a call from my sister in Florida. She shared that while in prayer Tuesday morning, The Lord gave her the same scripture in order to encourage me to expect God to act on my behalf. It brought me to tears! Coincidence??Never! Praise God! Thank you sister Denise for being led by His spirit.

  2. Prayer is not an option it is a command from our God. Prayer moves the hand of God. Prayer, Praise equal Power. The devotion on Prayer was such a blessing and as always we need to be reminded. My heart is encouraged. I value Jerm 33:3 and i hold the word close to my heart. Thank you Sis Denise
