Friday, March 18, 2011

God's Covenant of Faithfulness

A word of encouragement from Evelyn D. Be blessed!

Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart” 1 Kings 8:23(KJV)

Michael Angelo, a prolific painter and sculptor from the 1500's, is known for among many works, his Biblical illustrations from Genesis to Revelation found in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. One section of these frescos depict the Creation of Adam. In this section, one can see his rendition of God reaching down, extending His hand towards man, Adam, and touching his finger. This was Michael Angelo’s genius interpretation of the creation of man.

The several times I’ve observed this awesome painting, I related to it in a different way. I see the Covenant of God with man, God’s desire to commune with us, relate to us, abide in us in love. I see a covenant that transcends generations and will endure for those who believe and worship Him.

I believe that the same covenant God had with the people of Israel extends to all who have been washed with the blood of The Lamb, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, so that we, our loved ones, our possessions are sealed through His covenant.

Quite often as I walk along this journey of faith, I face challenges that prevent me from maintaining the purpose that God has for me. With so many daily interruptions and tasks, I inevitably defer time that belongs to Him. Being aware of this, I was determined to change my course of action. I purchased a prayer journal! In it, my opening lines were dedicated to Our Lord. I poured my heart out to Him!. I then proceeded to list names of loved ones, friends, and anyone I would be committed to pray for. Beside each name, I indicated the reason for prayer. Behind each page I began to record the praise reports as God so answered. Amen! His mercy endureth forever! God is faithful!

I began to separate a specific time in the morning to spend with Our Lord. As always though, an eruption of phone calls, appointments, vacations, visitors as such would prevent me from consistently pressing the pause button and spending time with God. At times, I just prayed a routine prayer... Spiritually dry! One such morning, I changed my approach. I began by reading through all the answers that had already come through these petitions before praying. As I routinely did this I began to see His favor, His mercy, His unending love for me and those I was praying for.

On one particular day as I was doing this, my eyes began to open to how God is not only faithful to His covenant as I understood it, but He is our healer, our marriage counselor, restorer, financial planner, wedding planner, CEO, provider, refuge, comforter, deliverer and so much more. Before I knew it, I felt I had been ushered from the outer courts of the Tabernacle into the Holiest of Holies! It was then that I was able and ready to receive what He had for me. Praise The Lord of Hosts! I felt unworthy, humbled and so grateful that He should make His presence known to me. What a revelation , that what I’ve heard from the pulpit for a lifetime should become a spirit filled “Aha” moment for me.

I realized that it’s never too late when He sees us try to stay in His will, within His covenant. I strive to continue in prayer for those who need to be touched by God, waiting earnestly for Him to answer. My prayer life has been renewed afresh. Who knew how purchasing that prayer journal, a simple, inexpensive act of obedience would change the way I see His relationship with me. He is worthy of our praise.

Be blessed!

Hebrews 10: 19 -23

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Evelyn, this was wonderful and timely for me. Just last night I went over my prayer journal and I too write next to the prayers that have been answered. As I hadn't looked back over them in many months I was awed at how many prayers God had answered and vowed to continue in my journaling prayer again. Thank you for the reminder that we must remain faithful. God bless you.
