Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last Days of Women's Bible Study 2011

With all the talk in the media recently of "the last days" I thought that I would join in, sort of, and jump on the blog and let everyone know what will be transpiring in these "last days" of Women's Bible study.

We are fast approaching the end of our Bible Study year and there are several different venues that are winding down and some that are starting up. It has been a whirlwind of activity these last few weeks with not more then a few God interventions and surprises. I just love it when Jesus decides to come in and take over.

Firstly, the Bible Memorization project is coming to a close. We have been blessed and overwhelmed by the response of you ladies to the Lord’s call to memorization these last few months. I can’t tell you the joy it brings me when I see those worn out cards with God’s word scrawled on them. I am provoked by some of the verses that you have recited to me and find myself wanting to go further. It has been a blessing memorizing with you.

For those of you who haven’t recited them yet, and I emphasize yet, you can still do that until June 8th which is a Wednesday night. We have already a diverse bunch of spirit filled, fun loving, sword wielding women of God attending the reward brunch. You won’t want to miss out on this opportunity of fellowship. The food promises to be excellent and what better way to spend some down time. We so want you to be a part of this. So if you haven’t reached your goal yet, I have one word for you CRAM! Spend the next two weeks everyday working on those verses, the rewards are worth it and go far beyond the brunch.

Secondly, as many of you know we will be doing a homework driven Bible Study over the summer called “No Other Gods”. We have decided to borrow the author’s abbreviation and just call it “NOGS”. You can read about it here. When I saw the number of you that responded to this invitation, I confess I was stricken speechless. And that is saying a lot. I am never speechless. Isn’t there always something to say? I don’t mind telling you that my heart was literally pounding out of my chest. This one thing I know, when there is that kind of unanticipated move, God is up to something. I can not wait to see what He does during our time this summer. Now it isn’t too late for you to jump in on that action if you haven’t yet, the last day to sign up is May 31st which is this Tuesday. We would be honored to have you be a part of what God is doing.

Lastly, as God would have it, yesterday during Women’s Bible study there was a disruption in our schedule. One of my prayers is that Jesus would come in and interrupt our agenda any time that He sees fit. Well to be honest, I never actually expect Him to take me up on that prayer. But yesterday He did! Our regularly scheduled teacher had an emergency and was unable to make our Tuesday morning time. This urgent situation erupted on Monday about noon time and I didn’t receive the information until three o’clock of that same day. She asked if I could jump in and take her place. Well I guess she esteems me in such a radical way that she sees me as some kind of like special ops teacher that you can call in a pinch and is ready. As much as I would like to keep that dream alive, I wasn’t prepared. But praise God for technology. I had a back up plan.

Yesterday we watched the first of a three part series taught by Beth Moore titled “Measureless Love”. Wow, did the Lord bring ministry to us. We studied Paul’s prayer to the Ephesians church found in the third chapter of that letter. We learned in scripture that God is very particular about measurement. He has precise measurements for land allotment, for building the tabernacle, and even what the New Jerusalem will be like in the Millennial kingdom. We also learned how He has measured all the galaxies and where all the planets would land. He also positioned the earth so precisely that it would be able to maintain life. It was a stunning lesson on the wonder of God’s magnificent creation and His intimate and precise design.

But contrast that with what Paul teaches about God’s love for us in Ephesians 3:16-19. We can not grasp, without the power of God poured into us, the fullness of His love. It is measureless in our own ability. We women were reminded a fresh of the immeasurable love of God towards us. We found ourselves staying long past our time together not only musing over that kind of love but spilling a bit of it on each other as well. It was a shot of bright light into some shadowy places.

The next two weeks we will be closing out Women’s Bible study by continuing through the final two sessions of this teaching. If you missed the first one you can still attend since all three sessions, while they build on each other, can be viewed separately. I hope you can make it out.

One last thought. I want you to know that it has been a privilege serving you as your Bible Study leader this year. Even through the highs and lows of my on the job training, I don’t think I could find a greater bunch of women to learn with. You have been a constant source of encouragement and grace as I blundered my way through seeking His will for you. I hope that I did it in a way that both, when all is said and done, enriched and blessed you. How I prayed that I was able to pull off the focus of His will  for you, that you would be more in love with Him and His word then when we started.

God loves you so much and He is well pleased with you.

Me too!

Your servant in Christ;


  1. Wow! Amazing ! I'm overwhelmed with emotion Arlene. Thank you for being a beacon of light. I look forward to the remaining classes and the summer session. May God continue to use you along with the entire team of teachers.
    Blessings sister!
