Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bible Memorization Project 2013 - Week Two

By Eva Jester

Most of you know that I have a son who is 8 years old.  Yesterday as he was getting ready for school, we were talking about the Bible & the armor of God from Eph. 6.  We talked about all the different parts & then we got to the sword of Spirit.  My son says, "But mom, I cannot take my Bible with me to school."  I said, "Oh really?"  He said, "One of my friends brought a Bible and got in trouble because of the school system."  I don't know how accurate that is but in the environment that we are living in, it could be very true.

But I told him that you can take the Bible with you and he said, "What do you mean?"

I told him that the Bible is within him because he knows the Bible.  He proceeded to recite a memory verse that he had learned from Junior Bible Quiz.  He then proceeded to go down the list of different things he knows from the Bible.  So I told him that he was taking the Bible with him & he was excited about that.

We want to encourage you as I encouraged him that yes you can take the sword of the Spirit with you.  There may be places you cannot take it or there may be a time when we don't have the Bible.  But by memorizing the Bible it becomes a part of us and it becomes a part of our memory.  It can then come back to us even in those times that we might not have the Bible with us.

We hope that you ladies are encouraged that the Bible is active and alive as Heb. 4:12 says and if that's true which it is then it is applicable to every part of our lives and by putting it to our memory banks it will come back to us when we need it and that is a beautiful thing.

So ladies let's see your posts with your second verse on the blog.


  1. "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 43:5

    1. Wow Linda that verse was in my Bible study today. It was the whole lesson.

  2. "It's also the cause of all this trouble I'm in. But I have no regrets. I couldn't be more sure of my ground - the One I've trusted in can take care of what he's trusted me to do right to the end." 1 Timothy 1:12 MESSAGE

  3. Wow. Your statement to your son is profound and inspirational. I am attending a Bible college in hopes of one day teaching youth, like your son, to hear the words of the Bible in their hearts and soul. This is a statement that will no doubt creep its way into my lessons. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. May you be blessed.
