Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"No Other Gods" - Week Eight

I can’t believe that we have reached the final week of the study! It seems like we just started. Today we will begin week 8, ‘Making Room’. We will have our final group meeting for the summer on Tuesday, August 16th.

Even though we are nearing the end of the physical study in many ways it is just the beginning of the spiritual application in our lives. In these last seven weeks the Lord has opened my eyes to several areas where I need to make room for Him. On page 162 Kelly reprinted a portion of a letter…..”It seemed like every time our contractor went to ‘fix’ something, it unveiled three more things that needed to be fixed”. This is exactly how I have been feeling. Anyone else?

We are all on a journey. I will remind you, as I have reminded myself, as we walk out what we have learned over the years to come God’s grace will be sufficient to empower us to leave our idols behind. He doesn’t expect us to fix ourselves and be totally transformed by next Tuesday. This brought to mind something I had read in the book Changes That Heal by Dr.Henry Cloud. In his book he makes the point that there are three components to spiritual growth: grace, truth and time. “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil 1:6).

I encourage you to finish strong! God loves you so much and wants you to enjoy the freedom that can only be found in Him.


  1. It resonates with me that you wrote He doesn't expect us to fix ourselves and be totally transformed by Tuesday. Also the point that Dr. Cloud makes about 3 components to spiritual growth: grace truth and time. I just love the scripture that you added which reminds us that it is He who began a good work in us is the only One that can fix us. I cannot fix myself without His grace, truth and time. Lots and lots of time, I am afraid. I am learning patience this summer in a way that I have never learned it before. I am learning to trust God to remove what needs to go and fill me with His Holy Spirit so that I can say no. JUST SAY NO!
    Yeah right, just for today I still cannot say no and that is okay, God will give me grace and truth in His time IF I TRUST HIM.

    It took me a long time to build up all these false and functional gods and they are really deep rooted and so I know its going to take some time to get them out roots and all. But I will remain faithful and trust that God's Word is true and his Word says No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no man can conceive what God has in mind for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

  2. Maryann, It is so cool what God is doing! It is really encouraging...thank you for sharing it!!
    I know what you mean on patience...I have very little of it when it comes to what God is doing in me.
