Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"No Other Gods" Week Seven

Week Seven……

Can you believe it?  It is hard to imagine not only that we are commencing on week seven of our eight week study but how many of you are still on target and doing your homework.  I can’t wait to see all those completed workbooks.  That is something to praise God for.  Ok you can take a moment and do that if you like.  I can wait. 

Once again, you all blessed me immeasurably as we gathered together today.  You can’t image how it encourages my heart to see you, 25 women strong, pressing on through this study.  This time of year is filled with all manner of distractions that compete to draw us away from Bible Study.  But not this group, you are taking your study time with the Lord seriously and I am here to tell you IT SHOWS!!!

I am overwhelmed with all the women who are stepping out in faith to be a part of what we are doing here.  You are responding to His call for you to serve in your gifts.  Woo Hoo!  I saw three women helping Linda with preparing the room; we have 8 group leaders and two people working on bringing the worship that leads us into the weighty presence of God.  There are some of you bringing new people and some of you connecting with those that might have missed a week.  Stunning is all I have to say.  Your desire to be part of what God is doing is infectious and makes every bit of what we do a privilege.   Love it!

So today we start on Week Seven of our study.  Begin with reading Session 07 The Road Ahead “Coming from Behind” found on page 142 then proceed to the first days homework on page 146.  I confess I already jumped ahead and the opening pages point where not only I but I bet a few of you find yourselves from time to time.  Kelly points out that sometimes we spiritually want to quit but she encourages us within those first pages with a profound word of why it is best we stay the course and not give up.  Give it a read even now if you are feeling ready to throw in the spiritual towel.  I am fairly certain she will change you mind.

So there you go….

That’s all I have to say for today. 

Thanks for being such a blessing.


  1. It has been amazing. I never realized how many other things we can put before God and not even realize that they are then becoming our Gods. Its not something you would want to think about because then you might feel guilty whenever you did that thing. For me other gods could be defined as my computer I am using right now to type this. Netflix which I also watch on my computer. Email also on my computer. You tube uggghhh seeing a pattern here. My cellphone which I actually carry in my bra close to my heart. (this is because its convenient, not because I love it but...) my car? getting the mail? my kids? my husband? my parents? my SISTER (OH how I love my sister)? My girlfriend(s)? My kindle? My talents? My home? My future Grandson? When do my gifts turn into my gods? Well this is definitely something I will continue to consider for the rest of my life, what you don't know you don't know. But once your eyes have been opened, there is no looking away. I look forward to finishing the study and know that it will make me a better woman. I also know that when I enter those doors with all of you that I am in good company. Blessings await!!!

  2. Blessings to all. Thank you first for your prayers. NOG is in California, and thank God. What a journey this is. Cant even begin to tell you all. I just know I miss ya all, and love you all. May God continue to richly bless you all.

    Debbie D
