Monday, July 23, 2012

Duty or Delight - End of Week Four

There are two times a year that I invariably take stock of my diet and commit or rather re-commit to healthy living.  They usually fall about six months apart and erupt from a season of excesses in both food and fun.  The first instance comes with an abrupt but sensible beginning, January 1st.  New Year, new you.  The second culminates usually at the tail end of vacation.  Just one week of lavish and indulgent living propels me into the rigors of re-evaluating my cupboards and addressing what needs to stay and what needs to go. 

That is how I spent my day today.  After a week of sumptuous tasting foods in copious amounts, I felt this pressing need to re-evaluate.  After clearing out what was left in my fridge and cabinets, off I went to the grocery store.  I filled my cart with tons of fruits and vegetable and every kind of organic anything I could find.  But I wasn’t finished yet.  Next stop, the vitamin aisle.  As I perused the shelves, I couldn’t help but be dumbfounded by the array of different kinds of multiple vitamins and the specific needs they filled.  From Women 50+, to Special Menopausal Formula, to Women’s Active Mind and Body, to… you get the picture.  I finally landed on the one that I knew fit the ticket, High Potency Multi-vitamin Supplement.  Now if I am going to do the vitamin thing why mess with anything that is low potency or mediocre potency, only the high potency stuff for me.  Go big or go home, I always say.

This past week in our study Duty or Delight we learned about a high potency of sorts.  This whole week we focused on how to live a highly potent spiritual life.  Anyone feeling like they would prefer to settle on a low or mediocre potency brand of spirituality rather than the high full throttle kind we learned about?  Not me either.  I want to live in the fullness of what God has offered to us.  Thankfully our author didn’t just leave us with the thought that is possible but she gave us guidelines on how to actually make it happen.  These were her points on how to trigger that kind of potency:

1) Rely on His leadership.
2) Yield to His pruning.
3) Regularly practice repentance.
4) Inspect your crops often.
5) Set yourself apart.
6) Do not give up.

Each day’s lesson was filled with useful information and guidelines that taught us how to live in that kind of power.  How I hope that you were blessed by what you learned and are putting it into practice.  There was some tough learning this week but empowering.  Please be encouraged to give it a try and see if it makes a difference.  You will never know what you are missing out on unless you do what you have learned.  Just as all the healthy food and high potency vitamins won’t make a bit of difference if I don’t actually take them, all that you have learned this week won’t come to fruition in your life if you don’t apply the guidelines that you learned to make it happen. 

Here are the three things to know this week:
1) You will be completing week five of the homework starting on page 108 Knowing God Has commanded Us. 

2) Your memory verse is Ephesians 1:19 “And what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His vast strength.”

3) Lastly, here is your video segment.

I hope that you are getting much out of our study and that God is blessing you with a freedom in the Spirit as you progress through the work.  I know that it is hard but a battle fought for is more apt to be one that is memorable.  Keep up the great work and don’t get discouraged for “you will reap a harvest if you don’t give up”.

Love you all so much!

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