Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"No Other Gods" Launch

On your mark…

Get set…


Welcome to the official launch of the “No Other God’s” summer Bible Study. Today is the day that we fold back the cover of our book, put a crease in those tightly woven bindings and set out on our journey of discovery. I just love this moment. It is truly one of the most favorite things I do. I am thrilled to take this particular trip along with you.

For me, the start of a new Bible study always conjures up a level of excitement. I have done enough of them to know that each have a personality and purpose of its own. As I peer at the stacks of completed workbooks in my closet I am reminded of all the times that God had met me within those pages. He has been faithful not only to correct and convict me, but to encourage, comfort, and to show me amazing things about the wonder of His person. Each Bible study has deepened my love for Him. Not one of them has God not used in some way in my life. I know that “No Other Gods” will be no different. I hope that you are excited as I am. So let’s get started.

Today we begin on page 8 of your book. You will want to read Session 01 titled “Personal Pharaohs – Defining our Terms” to start your week of study. Then you will proceed to day one of the first week (page 13). There are five days in total. You will have until next Tuesday June 28th to finish this week then you will proceed onto the following week. We will not be meeting until July 5th where we will go over the first two weeks of homework. Every Tuesday you can log on to this blog to keep updated where we are at and what is going on. If you want to see a calendar for the NOG’S study you can read it here.

Many of you have already dove head first into the study and are gleaning all that the LORD has for you with enthusiasm. There were a couple of you who were a little reticent after the first day. I want to point out to everyone, that the word of God can be very confrontational. It is meant to be. This Bible study is about letting go of whatever we are clinging to that is less then God. Our author puts it well “Anything He prompts us to release will only be restored to us in overflowing measures.” (page 7)  It takes some level of bravery to open up all the chambers of your heart so God can shine His healing light.  "Trust the Lord with all your heart".  He will not lead you anywhere His grace won't cover.

The key scripture for this study (do I hear memory verse) is 2 Kings 17:13 “They worshiped the LORD, but they also served their own gods.” God wants us to lay down our gods that we serve so we can make room for Him. And scripture promises that it will be extraordinarily better. What we hold onto with a white knuckle death grip pales by comparison to what He has for us as we press on towards spiritual fullness and abundance. Oh how I want me some of that!

As a word of encouragement, this is my second time doing this study and as I work through the homework identifying what idols I am currently struggling to release, I am reminded of the ones that had me enslaved the last time I wandered through these pages. I am please to say they barely have the power to control and manipulate me today. God was very faithful. As I turned over my idols to Him, He filled that empty space with a fullness in Him that can’t be explained but only experienced. I know that He will do that for you too as you cooperate with Him over these next 8 weeks. Trust Him with the process. He is worthy and you will not disappointed.

I thought we should officially open up with a word prayer. Why not take this prayer and make it personal for you.

Dear Lord, thank you so much for inviting me to participate with what you have planned through this Bible study for my life. I ask you to meet me each time I open the pages of this book as I dedicate my heart, soul and mind to studying Your word. Lord help me to sanctify or set apart the time each day to be with You, and when I do fill me with the wonder of who You are in my life afresh. Lord may I love you more when I complete this workbook then when I started. Don’t let me miss a single thing that you have for me. Lord I ask for you to do immeasurably more then I could ever ask or imagine not only for myself but every other women whether officially attending or not. To only you be the glory. In Jesus’ name amen.

I am very much looking forward to our first meeting on July 5th where we will meet, have a nosh and go over select questions from the first two weeks of homework. I can’t wait to hear your insights and how the Lord has been speaking to you. You ladies rock!

I love that you chose to take this journey with me.

You bring this fellow sojourner such joy.

Now let’s get to work…….


  1. Thank you Arlene and Linda, I started the bible study No Other Gods Yesterday and I was able to do day 1 & 2, today I did day 3. I also went back over the scripture in Exodus took my time, prayed and am ready for this new journey with the Lord and all of you as my husband John and I travel from East to the West. I love you all and when you are all there doing the study in the church (living room) I will be with you all also. I will keep you all in my prayers and I will have my computer with me I can read on the blog. I love you all. Many Blessings Maranatha.

  2. Good Morning Sisters in Christ
    This morning I did the study day 03 page 21 in the workbook No Other Gods and this is what it said "Having freedom from our idols begins by recognizing our own powerlessness against them. apart from the power of Christ, we are unable to extricate ourselves from their hold. This is good news if we can accept the truth of our own weakness while accepting the gift of His strength. He will do it.

  3. Amen, Amen, Amen Debbie. The point of identifying our idols and giving them names is so that we can purposely hand them over to the Lord and He can replace that void with Himself. What an awesome God we serve. Thanks for the imput.

  4. Here goes Linda.
    I am excited about starting the study yet I am already finding it dificult but in a good way. An idol can be anything, maybe thats part of the problem. I will keep pushing on with God. I know it will be worth it.

  5. Thanks Karen! Keep pushing on! God pointed out an idol that I wasn't even conscious of - its a hard one. There was a question on day 3 about how God's deliverance of the Israelite's made me feel. If he can do it for them He can do it for me. I want to cooperate with Him even if it hurts.

  6. Yea Finally! I can finally be heard, now what should I say. LOL I took my NOGS and Bible with me to Sloane Kettering today and worked on it while spending endless hours in waiting rooms. It passed my time with fulfillment and made it easier. The news was good so far, dad's operation went well.
